Early stages
When you first instruct us, we will commence a thorough investigation which will include applying for and reviewing your medical records, taking detailed witness statements from you and your family and discussing with you the type of medical expert or experts that may be required to prove ‘fault’ on the part of the healthcare provider.
Complaints’ Procedure
Also, we will talk to you about making a complaint under the NHS Complaints’ Procedure. This has a dual purpose; it can help to get answers to some of the many questions you may have about the treatment you received – which can of course be helpful in your claim – and an apology (when appropriate) from the healthcare provider.
Letter of Claim
Once we have reviewed the records, established the facts and are satisfied that your case has reasonable prospects of success, we will prepare a draft ‘Letter of Claim’. Once approved by you, the Letter of Claim will be sent to the healthcare provider, thereby starting the claims process.
Should you have any questions you may speak direct and in complete confidence to our Head of Medical Negligence, David Gazzard, direct on 01793 615011 or email him at david.gazzard@blbsolicitors.co.uk