In January of this year, MiHomecare – Wiltshire were inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This was an announced inspection which meant the provider knew 2 days beforehand that the CQC would be visiting.
MiHomecare is a large domiciliary care agency which provides care and support to people in their own homes on a short and long term basis. The agency manages the local Authority’s “Help to Live at Home” contract. This was the first inspection undertaken by the CQC regarding information they had received about missed visits to people who used the service.
In relation to the 5 questions the CQC ask about the service, their findings were:
Is the service safe?
The service was not safe. There were not enough staff to meet people’s needs and to cover for the staff sickness the agency experienced. As a result people were not assured consistency with their care and were not always supported by staff who knew them well. Official classification – Inadequate.
Is the service effective?
The service was not effective. People were often supported by members of staff who were not familiar with their needs. Staff were not always given information about people before supporting them. Official classification – Requires improvement.
Is the service caring?
The service is caring. Official classification – Good.
Is the service responsive?
The service was not responsive. People had care plans in place but the quality of the documents varied considerably. Information available did not detail people’s health care conditions and how this impacted on their daily lives. Official classification – Requires improvement.
Is the service well-led?
The service was not well led. Whilst the manager was reported to be supportive, they were not fully informed of issues such as missed calls. Official classification – Requires improvement.
A full copy of the CQC report can be found here.
MiHomecare have been told what action they are to take to avoid further steps being taken.
At BLB Solicitors we are currently helping a family whose elderly relative was being cared for at home by MiHomecare. Unfortunately, despite requiring help from his carer to mobilise around his home, the gentleman concerned suffered a serious fall whilst visiting the toilet unaided and fractured his hip. He required surgery but sadly passed away in hospital a week later. The standard of care provided to this gentleman is currently being investigated by Clinical Negligence Specialist, David Gazzard.
For further information please contact David on 01793 615011.